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Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
for Permalove Members
(((expanding the circle)))
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into between Permalove, a community dedicated to regenerative living and creating a world based on shared values and principles, and the undersigned member, hereafter referred to as the “Member”. This MOU outlines the expectations and responsibilities of being a Member of Permalove.
1. Commitment to Shared
Values + Principles
The Member is committed to upholding the shared values and principles of Permalove, including but not limited to:
Regenerative Existence
Wellness + Resilience
Abundance + Right Livelihood
Harmony + Cooperation
Social Justice + Accountability
Diversity + Inclusivity
Autonomous Expression
Collective Protection
Respect for Nature + Life
The Search for Purpose + Meaning
2. Dues + Service Hours
The Member agrees to contribute at least 33 hours + $33 per solar season in service to Permalove collective. The benefits to membership are many and these minimal requirements can be fulfilled in a number of ways, including but not limited to:
Participating in // supporting Permalove initiatives + events
Refining, improving, or gifting one's offering within the collective without expectation
Creating value within Zokaloca or assisting with resources + assets
Supporting other members with mediation, development, etc.
3. Participation in
Permalove Activities
The Member agrees, to the best of their capacity + ability, to participate in Permalove activities, including but not limited to:
Teaching or attending workshops, classes, and skill shares
Collective service projects
Collective meetings + gatherings
Personal development + giving genuine feedback as appropriate
4. Conflict Resolution
The Member agrees to maintain harmony + resolve conflicts with other Members of Permalove in a respectful + constructive manner. This includes but is not limited to:
Direct communication with the individual(s) involved in the conflict
Seeking mediation from a trained mediator within the Permalove community
Engaging in restorative practices to repair harm, rebuild relationships, and keep the peace
5. Use of Zokaloca +
Offering Platforms
The Member agrees to use the Zokaloca platform for any commercial activities related to their offerings within the Permalove community. The Member understands that a percentage of revenue generated through the Zokaloca platform will be reinvested back into Permalove for the betterment of each locale. For member to member, non-commodified mutual support, the Member agrees to use the Offering app as our standard of engagement. Member benefits are outlined within this arena, always in flux, and based on supply + partners + reputation.
6. Termination of
Participation as a collective member of Permalove is a consensual, voluntary, and ongoing lifestyle choice. We can only exist and continue within the upkeep of our agreements and our commitments toward solidarity with one another. The Member may terminate their membership at any time by providing written notice. Similarly, with due process, Permalove may terminate the membership of any Member who ceases to uphold the shared values + principles of the community, as they may evolve, or who violates the terms of this MOU.
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What are your dreams + what is your interest in joining us?
By stating your legal name and submitting this form, you hereby agree, voluntarily + consensually, to uphold this MOU throughout the duration of your Permalove membership.
Membership is official once initial dues, service hours, on-boarding process is complete.
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